# pnpkgs [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/pniedzwiedzinski/pnpkgs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/pniedzwiedzinski/pnpkgs) **My personal [NUR](https://github.com/nix-community/NUR) repository** ## `larbs-mail` Larbs-mail is a system for automatically configuring mutt and isync with a simple interface and safe passwords. The package contains: - `neomutt` email client with embedded configuration, that can be extended in `~/.config/mutt/muttrc` - [`mutt-wizard`](https://github.com/LukeSmithXYZ/mutt-wizard) script for managing email accounts and mail synchronization - `mailbox` script that can be used in your WM status bar - `pass` for managing accounts' passwords - `larbs-mail.desktop` file which can be pointed in `mimeapps.list`: `x-scheme-handler/mailto=larbs-mail.desktop` to use larbs-mail as default mail client For more usage info try `mw help` ### Optional dependencies - `gpg` - for signing and encrypting emails - `abook` - address book with neomutt integration ## larbs-news Newsboat RSS reader with vim bindings. - `newsboat` rss reader - `newsup` update script - `news` statusbar script - `tsp`, `qndl`, `queueandnotify`, `podentr` queuing tools - `larbs-news.desktop` file for `mimeapps.list`: `application/rss+xml=larbs-news.desktop` ### Optional dependencies - web browser - for viewing http links - mpv - video player (i.e. for youtube links)