{ config, ... }: let spotifyUsername = "pboss.n@gmail.com"; passwdCmd = "pass show spotify.com | head -n 1"; in { xdg.configFile."spotifyd/spotifyd.conf".text = '' [global] # Fill this in with your Spotify login. username = ${spotifyUsername} password_cmd = "${passwdCmd}" # How this machine shows up in Spotify Connect. device_name = spotifyd device_type = computer # This is the default location of Spotify's cache, so just replace LOGIN_NAME # with your macOS login name (type `whoami` at a Terminal window). cache_path = ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Library/Application Support/Spotify/PersistentCache/Storage no_audio_cache = false # Various playback options. Tweak these if Spotify is too quiet. bitrate = 320 volume_normalisation = true normalisation_pregain = -10 # These need to be set, but don't need to be changed. backend = rodio mixer = PCM volume_controller = softvol zeroconf_port = 1234 ''; }